Since putting up our beer labels up a few weeks ago, we’ve had a lot of people ask how we went about getting them done. In this post we’ll give you the templates and run you through how we did it.
Note these aren’t for commercial use. Just to snap a sneaky sexy Instagram pic. Most of the people asking have been home brewers or commercial brewers doing something on the side.
Initially we’d looked into online services like or even doing our own using Avery labels. We ended up going with a better option for local, low volume labels that look great. Here’s how we did it.
Label design
We did the label design ourselves based on a few templates we found online. We did it in Photoshop, but you could probably use any decent photo editing software. Here’s how it looks.
This is a smallish label, but we have templates for a few sizes. This size works really well on the 330ml and 500ml bottles.
Design wise, we wanted something super simple. That enables us to update it ourselves with a few clicks when we brew new beers.
For printing, because we are only doing low volume, the commercial printing options were out. We chatted to a few places who provided exorbitant quotes, then found Varsity Graphics on the Gold Coast.
Our office is in Varsity Lakes so we were stoked to find they had label templates around that were the right size. I Emailed the template through to Amy, and she had 32 labels printed on the same day for $12!
And even better, they looked awesome!
We’ve also had Amy do stickers for us, so if you see those around you know where they came from 😉
Click here to download the full 300DPI Photoshop source file for free (80MB).
Caps, Shirts and more
We’ve also had shirts and caps done. If you are keen to learn how we went about that, please just let us know in the comments and we’ll write something up.
If you have any questions about the labels hit us up in the comments too and please jump on the email list below to stay up to date with what we are doing.
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